Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spring Break! 春休み!

Wow, it`s been a long time since I`ve posted! Sorry for that. So I`ve been quite busy actually, but I won`t bore anyone with school details; say only I am in over my head with studying over break. I`m actually really excited because my mom`s just told me that she was able to get time off work and can come to Japan to see me! Vacation of a lifetime for her, and great time to show off my (admittedly still bad) language skills.

Other than learning 180 kanji and 20 new grammar points in two months and my mom coming to distract me from studying, I`m looking forward to a week long trip to Kyoto and the vicinity coming up here for me in about two weeks. I`m planning on spending lots of money on food and hitting all the open air markets and thrift shops I can find. As far as temples go there`s only a few I have specific plans for visiting, but I`ll see what looks fun to do when I`m there. Ha, I`m not such a good trip planner.

NaNoWriMo is over but I`m still working on my writing, though because of a broken computer, I have been put on hold for posting updates to my writing blog, as well as a lot of other things. I`m borrowing a school computer for this right now actually. I`ve met with my writing buddies about 3 times since NaNo ended actually, and we three are in various stages of still writing to editing. The beauty of using fountain pens while hand writing instead of ball points has recently made itself known as well. I`ve been using this lovely purple
one I found at a nearby stationary shop recently and I love it!

As for knitting ... Sigh. I`m still working on the Haruni Shawl from Ravelry, though I`m now in the final stages. I can`t wait to take it off the needles and block it to see how the lacework looks.

And here`s a lovely picture of a small Buddhist Temple near where I`m living now. We had a cold snap for the last few days and actually got snow yesterday. How cool is that? Of course back home in the US they have about 10in (25cm) on the ground right now. Nonetheless, this was a good picture and I thought I`d share it.

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