So, it's been a while since I've posted, I'll try to keep updated more frequently in the future...
Anyway, lots has happened, and it's too much to write about really, but the main, major, exciting things are... I went to the Ghibli Museum for a friend's birthday, my computer is broken and making horrifying noises, I won NaNoWriMo, and last but not least... Christmas break is next week! Yay!
Ghibli was awesome! I will definitely be going again, as this time we entered at the 4pm entrance time and only got about 2 hours in the museum. Since Sophie wanted to eat at the cafe we completely skipped the 2nd floor. The first and 3rd floors were amazing and the rooftop garden was fun. Gotta love that Laputa robot!The interior of the building on the 1st floor made me think, "If Santa's workshop were steam punk." Unfortunately the entire interior is a no-photo zone, the outside is fair game though, so here's a quick pic! Notice the 2 story Christmas tree hiding amongst the ivy background.
Anyway, I've already pretty much given the rundown on the computer situation, and if you wanna know more about what went on during NaNo, and haven't been reading my other blog, here's the address Koori-chan's Writing. The story is not yet finished, and the blog form is unedited, so there may be issues with grammar or punctuation, don't let that bother you. Updates will be going a bit slower now that NaNo is finished, but please go look!
That bit of personal advertisement over, Christmas break is on the way. I have school on the 23rd, :( so feel sad for me. I have Christmas Eve through the 5th of January off, then dead week, then finals week. These are then followed by spring break, which in Japanese universities is about 2 1/2 months long. I'm planning on flying to Kyoto in Feb, and having a few day trips to Osaka and Nara while there. Actually, a friend who's family lives in Osaka told me today that she likes Kobe better than Osaka... That said, I know another girl from school back in the US (Japanese student) who grew up in Kobe, so I'll probably head there too. Time to find travel guides at the library!